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TWE/TWP Overview

Home Screen:
Once the device is powered on, it will automatically go to the Home Screen
  1. An overview of the Home Screen will display the Device's name at the top, the graph will be displayed and at the data timestamp will show up on the top left
  2. The graph can be set to display the most recent 1hr of data and or the Average, Min/Max are displayed
  3. A snapshot can be taken of the device graph if there is a USB stick plugged into the left-side of the device
  4. The Settings icon will take you to more pages on the device
Information Screen:
The screen will display general information for a device.
  1. Provides you the Model type which is TWE or TWP
  2. The serial number should also match to the one found on the back of the device
  3. Firmware Version will be displayed and can be updated via USB Stick
  4. MAC Address
  5. The attached Sensor Pods will be displayed
  6. Corresponding Channels to each sensor pod that is connected
Note To update to the latest firmware view the Change Logs and select TWE/TWP for firmware options
General Settings:
The screen will be primarily grayed out as the General Settings for a device are controlled through DicksonOne online.
  1. The time format can be set to 12 hours or 24 hours
  2. Screen Saver can be Disabled or set to a time frame
  3. The Brightness on the screen can be adjusted by sliding the toggle left and right as desired
  4. The Home icon will appear on the top right on all the screens which will take you home to display the Device Graph
The graph screen allows you to configure different ways that data will be displayed on the main Home Screen.
  1. Determine if the display should be in Graph format or Text
  2. Display Statistics can be on or off
  3. Vertical Scale Auto can be on or turn off to adjust the Temp Max, RH% Max and inWC Max
  4. Displays the channels that are on the device and only two channels can be displayed on the graph and be in ON position
  5. To display a channel turn on by sliding the ON/OFF toggle
  6. To display the channel's Min/Max turn it on by sliding the ON/OFF toggle
  7. To view more channels on the device use the right and left scroll arrows
Network Settings:
The Network Settings Screen is important to users on how you connect the Device to the internet either via WiFi or Ethernet to DicksonOne.
  1.  DicksonOne Settings in which they can be Enabled and can turn HTTPS ON or OFF
  2. Adapter Settings will display WiFi
  3. If using Ethernet on the device, click on WiFi and change the setting to Ethernet as the device can only use one setting or the other
  4. The Device Code is displayed which is used to register the device to DicksonOne
  5. IP Settings provides IP info
  6. Scan to connect to a Network
  7. A selected SSID will be provided if Scan is used or can be manually provided if hidden
  8. Password
  9. Connect and Disconnect button
Note To learn more about how to configure Ethernet on the device, go to Connect a Device to Ethernet.
The Alarms screen will be grayed out as alarms for the TWE/TWP are configured online via DicksonOne. Go to Create a Custom Alarm or visit DicksonOne Topics to learn more on how to create alarms.
The Calibration screen will display all the channels that are connected to the device with their corresponding  calibration date as well as a the calibration due date. Calibration due dates can be managed online through Device Calibration Note Learn more on Device Calibration
Stored Data:
The Stored Data screen allows you to download the data of the device and/or also delete the tablet data. Learn more on how to download the data here.
Admin Settings:
Admin Settings allows you to enable a device lockout so that in order to view information on the device and make changes to it a passcode will be required. To learn how to lock the device, go to Set a Passcode.