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Default Device Settings

This article applies to these plans:




About Device Settings

  • Allows quick and easy configuration of devices settings at the time of registration
  • Only the Account Owner can manage what the default device settings are set to
  • Allows customers to make changes across 1 or many devices at once due to changes in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and more
Note Only the Account Owner can control and manage what the Default Device Settings are.

How to Configure Default Device Settings

Section 1:
Go to Manage Account Default Device Settings
  1. From the following Device Settings options, select the appropriate settings your organization would like to use
  2. The predetermine settings will be adhered by a device upon registration
Note When a device has the Company Default Settings applied to it, if any changes are made to the Default Device Settings the changes will then be reflected on the device.
Section 2:
Though the devices will adhered to the Company Default Device Settings at the time of registration, every device can still be customized to its own settings. Select a specific device and go to Settings
  1. The sample interval is custom to this device in this example
  2. The Temperature Display Unit is custom to this device in this example
  3. The Pressure Display Unit adheres to the Company Default in this example
Section 3:
Certain users such as the Account Owner or those who have Manage Access to a location(s) will be able to Manage Device settings across one or many devices at once
  1. Select the device(s) that will have changes applied
  2. Select from the settings drawer a setting you would like to apply
  3. The company Defaults will be highlighted to users, but a user can select a different setting instead
  4. Be sure to click Apply Bulk Actions to n Devices to save